Reunion Photos Too

Reunion Reunion Reunion
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Frank Mazzeo and Nancy Bender
July 2, 2004

Michelle and Holly
Bushing dancing with Shel.
July 2, 2004
Mark Plum and Holly Lovelace
Wayne Fox and Sylvia Taggart
July 2, 2004
Is that Taylor preening himself?
It is!
Rona, Michelle, Lori, and Pam
Is someone missing?
Kitsy Roch and Kathy Black
Catching up.
Doc, Doc, Doc
Frank Mazzeo, Chris Neptune, Karen Neptune
Renewing friendships
Keith Rizzolo, Craig Klayman, Wayne Fox
Craig's wife too.
Donna Schaaf and Janice Boyle
July 2, 2004
Pi Alpha Lambda
Not pictured: Elaine, Pam L., Vicky, Sal, Gwen, Ginny

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